The Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) Near-Term Projects (NTP) environmental review schedule is being extended.
Time is being added to complete a through and rigorous analysis, as well as enhanced coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The release of the first environmental review analysis, the draft National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Assessment (EA), and the accompanying public outreach, which was expected in early 2021, will now occur in mid-2021. The Port of Seattle, in coordination with the FAA, will provide additional updates prior to the release of the draft NEPA EA for agency and public comment.
The Port continues work to complete the environmental review of the SAMP NTP. Once the NEPA environmental review is final, which is expected in early 2022, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) environmental review will follow. Commission authorization is required to initiate work on individual projects.
See updated schedule below.
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